WTS Shopping Guide for Travel Destinations Around the World

Unique shooing districts in travel destinations is the focus of World Travel Shop. A shopping, dining and travel guide which includes maps; directions; robust information for parking, stores, store hours, restaurants, coffee spots, cafés, events, sales; and travel tips.

A compilation of 36 website properties

Comprised of 36 Internet domains - website properties, World Travel Shop is the umbrella domain or property.

Used by Locals & Travelers

Traffic on the World Travel Shop properties include a mix of 60% locals to 40% to travelers. Travelers are defined as shoppers from areas outside the visited shopping district area.

For Merchants

World Travel Shop provides information on the businesses on our site free to the merchants. The better this information is in content, i.e. shopping hours, e-mail addresses and description and photos the better it is for our visitors/shoppers to World Travel Shop.

While we at times struggle to keep information updated on the site - shops & eateries are always in flux - it is our goal to be as close to accurate as possible. We are continuing to add resources to help us with the updating and accuracy and as a merchant you can help us in two ways.

  • Remember to let us know when you hours change or there are inaccuracies for your business.
  • Let us know what is going on in your district - when a new business arrives or an old one closes.

Page/Listings v. Advertising for Merchants

While your page is very helpful to shoppers, if they don't know you exist they may not find you. To become more visible to more shoppers (3,000 shoppers a DAY on the site) we have some very cost effective and creative advertising opportunities that provide great results - increasing sales and traffic to your store or Web site.


If you have suggestions you think would improve the site for shoppers, please let us know. We are flexible and strive to improve whenever we can.