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Mrs. Field's Cookies

2399 Telegraph Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

(510) 549-9805

Mon - Fri, 10:30-9
Saturday, 11-9
Sunday, 11:30-8

t was all about taking control of her life. So Debbi Fields, a young mother with no business experience, opened her first cookie store in Palo Alto, California in 1977. They told her she was crazy. No business could survive just selling cookies. Humble beginnings launched Mrs. Fields into a worldwide celebrity and made her company the premier chain of cookie and baked goods stores.

Headstrong determination. A dynamic personality. A sincere concern for people. They all played a role in Debbi Fields' success. But quality, more than anything, accounts for Mrs. Fields' worldwide acceptance. The mission has always been to create the highest quality product possible - every time. That commitment has yielded products like no others, deeply satisfying personal indulgences that consumers just can't get enough of.

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